Scripture music uniquely experienced

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you - Psalm 119:11

Hide App is coming to provide a place for a new generation of scripture music.

A revolution in scripture music! Thousands of scripture songs in one place by Artists who use the power of music and the Word of God. If this excites you, we want to invite you to find your place in this community of like-minded creatives, listeners, and funders.

I am a musician

I want to support a musician


Music is craved all over the planet and we want to use this platform to unleash a new generation of transformative multi-genre artists who get the world and church singing, memorizing and meditating on God’s word and doing everyday life with scripture music.

Dive into a spiritual journey where you’re creating and recording the kind of music you love and being transformed by the Word of God in the process.

Love the Word

The first step is to love the Scriptures. Understand the need and that God could be calling you to spread the word through songs.


Send us your submissions of songs or state that you want to write songs or have them written for you and we will schedule a meeting.


Once approved, we will start working on producing your songs.


We will release your songs on Hide App, and you will receive a share of the profits.


Imagine a movement where artists are empowered to create scripture songs in the style of music they love. Our platform connects Funders with talented musicians giving them the opportunity to partner with those musicians to create scripture songs that bless the world.

Understand the Business model

Set up a meeting to talk to us about our business model. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Choose a Musician

We will present to you all the musicians, and you can choose whom you wish to work with.


Your sponsorship will allow the artist to record an album with 8 songs.

Spread the Word

The album will be released on Hide App, spreading the Word through songs.

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